You make me want to fucking throw up.

Memorial day weekend is here, and I’m supposed to be packing up for a camping trip. There’s lots to do to get ready, it’s going to be a nice weekend in the Hudson Valley, and this is a traditional way to spend the holiday. But I’m not getting ready. I’m writing on this blog because I’m absolutely disgusted.

There was a cocktail party at the 9/11 memorial. And here’s a picture of the motherfuckers dancing on the graves of 1,115 people. That’s how many bodies are still buried under the gift shop.


Photo: John Angelillo/Getty Images

Guess who was there. Go ahead, I dare you. Take a wild guess.

Give up?

This asshole:


The mayor of NYC. Yeah, yeah, I know, he’s no longer the mayor, but fuck this shithead.

Giuliani wasn’t there. Dinkins wasn’t there. Ed Koch, the most attention whoring mayor in recent memory wasn’t there. But this piece of shit was.

Close to Memorial day no less. For all you retards out there who don’t recognize why the offense is compounded by proximity to this holiday, Memorial Day isn’t just bar-be-que & beach party weekend. It’s a national holiday to honor those who’ve served the country. Typically this means the military, but it’s perfectly reasonable to extend that sphere out to encompass emergency responders. You know, people like police officers, or firefighters or medics. The people who 12 and a half years ago saw the twin towers engulfed in flames, AND RAN TOWARDS IT!

Yeah, we can include those folks. Because they died in service to their nation.

Just in case you forgot, this is what they ran towards:


To help complete strangers.

You wanna know where Bloomberg was on 911?

Partying in Bermuda with half the attendees at this shindig, plotting & scheming how to capitalize on it. I gua-rawn-fucking-tee you.

Some of you I’m sure are sitting there thinking “Ah, so what? Who cares?”, well there’s something fundamentally wrong with you, which I’ll break down at a later date. But I’ll still briefly explain why this is so offensive.


All the people in this picture died, trying to save people like you. And a powerful elite partied it up on top of their graves, on the holiday that is meant to honor their sacrifice. That’s just about as disrespectful and offensive as it can get. Actually, let’s remove that qualifier. That is exactly as disrespectful and offensive as it can get. Would it be more offensive if the attendees were Arabic? . . . . Nope. It’s more offensive that they’re Americans and New Yorkers no less.

If you’re still not getting it, imagine the French throwing a rave at Normandy Beach on the 4th of July. Or let’s get a little more personal, how would you like it the mayor of your po-dunk, shithole town came and partied right on top of your parents / grandparents graves? On their birthdays?  Anyways, I’ve had enough trying to get through to you. You’re fucking retarded, and should really do your part in the devolution problem by killing yourself.

They’re also charging $24 to get in to the museum. Which, along with their “$65 million operating budget” is complete bullshit. But as far as I know, the memorial grounds are still free, so at least it’s got that going for it.

In a future posting I’m going to get into this shithead:


That’s Danny Meyer, and he’s opening a restaurant on the grounds.

These cunts:


Clifford Chanin, Alice Greenwald, Joe Daniels – each of whom is drawing $500,000 per year to sit on the 9/11 memorial board of directors. Way to inject diversity sensitive issues surrounding this catastrophe.

I’d also like to ask this motherfucker:


Michael Frazier – museum spokesperson, why the memorial needs a professional marketing department.


But for now I’ve got shit to do. Like hang my flag, and get ready for the weekend. But first I’m going to fucking throw up.